Géopolitique des phosphates: sécurité alimentaire, compétition et hiérarchie inversée?

Une découverte intéressante de gisements de phosphates en Norvège estimée à 70 milliards de tonnes a été annoncée, il y a trois jours. Une information pas comme les autres. D’aucuns y ont vu un chamboulement de la hiérarchie dans une matière très stratégique pour les engrais, les panneaux solaires, les batteries lithium-fer-phosphate, les semi-conducteurs et […]
Moyen-Orient: Ces acteurs étatiques et non-étatiques qui ont tout perdu au change

Ce qui se passe dans les territoires palestiniens est atroce et insupportable. Entre la justice d’une cause et la justesse d’une position, il y a un abysse. Etre neutre et objectif dans une situation pareille est un pari sur l’absurde.
The Failure of Hard and Soft Pressures to Break Morocco’s Bones

A recent proposal for a Paris Conference on the Sahara conceals its true motives: undermining Morocco’s recent advances and restoring France’s lost global prestige. In politics, nothing happens randomly. In the academic field, nothing is done for the mere sake of advancing scientific research. A collective of academics and journalists has recently suggested that the […]
Europe and Morocco: The End of an Asymmetrical Partnership (Part II)

As many non-Western countries revolt against their historical status in world affairs, Europe is becoming a second-tier actor with no real power to influence or derail the emerging world order. One of the clearest signs of the changing dynamics in North African (especially in the Maghreb) geopolitics is the increasing decline of France’s prestige and […]
Europe and Morocco: The End of an Asymmetrical Partnership

Morocco is being targeted because it is expanding its economic and trade influence in Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as capitalizing on centuries-old cultural and spiritual ties. On January 18, 2023, the European Parliament adopted, for the first time in twenty-five years, a resolution calling on Morocco to respect media freedom and to release all political prisoners and […]
Democracy: One Coin, Multiple Faces, the West, and the Rest

The idea of democracy has become a tool western countries use to hail developing countries that align with their strategic interests or expectations, and smear those that don’t. There is no acceptance speech in the Middle East and North Africa’s political landscape. Independent observers are faced with dichotomous perceptions about the way democracy and the […]
Geopolitical Syncope in the Maghreb Region: History, Check, and Mate (Part II)

The classical balance of power paradigm having drastically shifted over the years, Algeria would do better of giving up its dream of becoming the sole leader of North Africa. It is said that he who wants too much without measuring the consequences always ends up empty-handed. Already, on the Algerian Eastern borders, Tunisians are beginning […]
Geopolitical Syncope in the Maghreb Region: History, Check and Mate (Part I)

It will take as long as it takes, but the proposal for autonomy within the framework of Moroccan sovereignty will triumph in the Western Sahara issue. A series of questions and answers that are worth asking and answering in order to understand the shifts in the North Africa geopolitical landscape. The first question would be: […]
Conspiracy Theory and the Existential Dilemma

The twentieth century is full of stories highlighting policymakers who frequently lied to their people in order to stay in power or to avoid the social and political unrest getting worse. When conspiracy theory and allegations meet, it’s the perfect match. In politics, they make a political case appear sound for a short period of […]
Jumping Time: A Risky Business in International Politics

Today, neither conservative nor liberal scholars have an answer to help ease the burden of expectations on people’s shoulders in an increasingly fragile and uncertain world order. I attended a session of creative writing last week in Budapest. Monitored by professional writers, the workshop was dedicated to helping improve the writing skills of newly discovered […]